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Friday 27 September 2024



Every year is the same in September in New York: there is a General Assembly of the United Nations, Brazil is the first speaker and for this accompanied by the President of the Republic not only those in the branch, that is, diplomats, but an endless number of ministers, advisors and a significant number of parliamentarians, also with advisors, and more all those who have a chance to be there, with moreoless English, to do year-end shopping and spend without paying taxes.

This has nothing to do with the political importance of the event, because the event is important. In a way, the Brazilian discourse sets the tone for the debates. This year was a clear speech about how the world is not well, with climate change knocking on everyone's door and three conflicts, Ukraine, the Middle East and Sudan, with no prospect of a solution in sight. And Brazil's questioning about the effectiveness of multilateralism to resolve these conflicts is real and at the same time frightening.

This UN directed by the Portuguese Gutterez really doesn't solve anything. Clumsy statements, actions that do not solve armed conflicts or disarm others, demoralization of the blue helmets and there goes the list, far from being short. But, is all this the fault only of the UN executives or the member countries, especially the permanent members of the most important political body, which is the Security Council? A little of each, but undoubtedly of the members of the CS, with the right to veto. In the world there is a lack of leaders who want peace and there are those who have adopted the doctrine that armed conflict brings them more benefits. Simple as that. And with Gutterez's weak leadership, maybe he was put there precisely for that, things only get worse.

Putting the entire organization in the laundry basket, which has already played an important role and still has it and works well in specific areas, such as health, development, human rights, is not fair. But it is also not fair that the organization is not renewed, either in the Security Council or in other bodies. Or will we need another war like the last world war to create a forum for conflict resolution. There are numerous regional forums, but there are also the BRICS, that is, the search for entities that through geographical and even ideological diversity seek a channel of dialogue. But nothing replaces the old, worn and now almost inoperative UN. So yes, it's right, Brazil pronounces and says in a good tone and loud and haughty voice, the situation is serious, let's work on solutions. And it is not right to take away the legitimacy of Brazil to express itself in the UN and by the UN, if some internal issues, even in the field of the environment, are not resolved. One thing is one thing, another is another.

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